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Thursday 5 May 2011 | 5/05/2011 01:47:00 am | 0 comments
You all just call me EINA
Age aku bru 18 years old.....still muda ge..but orang ckap aku.dh tua....bukan tua la cume mature jerk....hidup aku nie simple jerk....aku nie banyak ckp orang nye..tapi law in that situation sume diam...t aku pn diam sekali....orang cakap aku banyak bebel..but acctually x pn..bebel bile ada benda yg aku x suka jerk....

I'm happy with myself because I'm the kind of behavior is no longer willing to be my friend and be the person closest to me.This currently only one who I can share to you and from where you can value myself who is...

sume nie kawan baru aku...kawan yg sekarang bersama ngan aku nie sangat sporting..I am happy to join you all..Mereka adalah yan,amoy,wan,anna,zira,neby n ayu...tapi still ada sorang lg yg x de dalm gmbar nie coz tidak dapt menghadiri aktiviti yg dijalankan..although there  misunderstanding
between us, but our understanding is still compatible as friends.

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